Refractory materials play a critical role in both the rotary kiln lining, and the lining of the high volume static equipment areas that comprise a modern pre-calciner kiln system. The durability of the rotary kiln brick ...
Refractory materials play a critical role in both the rotary kiln lining, and the lining of the high volume static equipment areas that comprise a modern pre-calciner kiln system. The durability of the rotary kiln brick lining generally determines the duration of a kiln operating campaign. Whilst great efforts are made to ensure appropriate refractory brick materials selection, installation, deployment (zoning) and the optimization of the kiln light-up, it is primarily the nature and stability of the subsequent kiln operation that influences rotary kiln lining life.
Parts of the refractory kiln linings :
Inlet Zone
Safety Zone
Upper Transition Zone
Sintering Zone
Lower Transition Zone
Outlet Zone
The sintering and firing zones are the parts of the most severe operating conditions. Those conditions are the result of chemical, physical, mechanical and thermal factors which create an extreme environment. We supply a large variety of special burnt basic materials for the sintering and transitory zones of rotary furnaces which are well suited for this application.
The bricks are wedge shaped and a combination of differently dimensioned wedges is used to achieve the specific diameter of the particular kiln. The thickness of the lining is typical function of the kiln diameter. The construction is in the form of rings and the joint design is according conform customer requirements. The bricks are typically supplied with metal cladding (marked 0) or with cardboard expansion provisions (marked K) using color markings and signage for positioning.